Saturday, January 5, 2008


Have you heard of this? Skype? My inlaws got us this magic, Logitech webcam for Christmas. As it turns out, this little ditty is pretty great. We have a subscription to Sype, an online communications tool that allows free phone calls via computer to other people with the service, as well as free VIDEO PHONE conversations. We just got off the phone with Ben's grandparents in Hawaii. This is the technology we were promised as children. Next step? Teleporter.

So, I was working out today with dumbbells and did a lift that I do probably 3 times a week, and my neck and shoulder went crazy. The whole muscle group is tight, but it doesn't hurt so badly that I'm crying anymore. My shoulder problems stem from a youth group water skiing trip. It was, like, 10th grade and I was in an inner tube behind Dr. Allen's boat, The Fellowship Hull 2, when I went over a wake and felt a rather intense snap under my right scapula. I'm pretty sure I broke a rib, and certainly tore up some connective tissue. Any way, I couldn't take a deep breath for over a week, but didn't go see a doctor, either, for fear of my mother. So now, a couple of times a year, I move just so and am in intense, stabbing pain for about a day. I'm treating my injury with red wine, Tension Tamer Tea, and motrin. Oh, and human growth hormone, of course.

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