Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Sick day & Thanksgiving.

I had a personal day yesterday and accidentally slept until 11:30am. Last night, during our book discussion group on Shaine Claiborn's "The Irresistible Revolution," I got tired. By 10pm I was downright lethargic, then, by midnight, I was just plain sick. Bummer. I felt achy all over. As the night wore on, I felt grosser and grosser. Thought I might barf but didn't. I think the experience would best be described as "flu like symptoms with stomach cramps." By 5am I didn't feel like barfing any more, so I could finally sleep. I woke up at 8:45am to call in sick, then slept until 1pm. Got up to eat some rice, slept from 2:30pm to 5pm. Took some Tylenol and I'm feelin' fine.

I prefer, if I'm sick and I know I'm not contagious, to just go to work sick. I use these sick days at work to do things I hate, like well over due paperwork, or cleaning my desk. There are 2 benefits: 1. I don't use a sick day. And 2. I have all of the negative experiences all at once--only one day is ruined.

After I felt better today, I made 2 kinds of stuffing (dressing, really, as I'm not cramming it into the ass of any dead birds). Ben and I are having 2 older (46 and 50 something) friends over tomorrow night for Thanksgiving dinner who are pretty broke, so we're treating them. One of them is a vegetarian, so I made stuffing with a bunch of herbs, garlic, celery, butter, veggie stock, and almonds for him. It tastes great and I wish I had made more. The meat stuffing for the other three of us is approximately half sausage. This, in my opinion, is the only way to live. I am so looking forward to this dinner. Ben and I are trying hard to take Christ's advice about inviting people who can't repay you to your feasts. So far, Jesus is right, and we're being rewarded in ways that encompass a lot more than food and money.


j.doc said...

who knew veggie stuffing could be so damn delicious?!

Andrea said...

For real. If it weren't for the existance of sausage and chicken fingers, I would be a vegetarian in a heartbeat...but sausage and chicken fingers DO exist, so I'm not.