Sunday, December 9, 2007

Preachin'/False alarm #3

I gave the message at my church today. Before you are too impressed, I should say that my church is 20 or 30 people who meet in the basement of an old church building that is now an arts building for the city. We sit on metal folding chairs and there are frequently art exhibits involving naked ladies on the walls. Today, there was a crochet circle in an adjoining room. Let me tell you, though, this is one awesome group of 30 people.

I spoke on Isaiah 9:1-7, a prophetic hymn about Jesus that's quoted in Matthew 4:12-17. I really, really like Isaiah 9. It's SO hopeful. I want so much to take people beyond their understanding of Christmas being a bout baby Jesus in a manger, to the beginning of a revolution. The life of Christ is a life of revolutionary hope, so I spoke a lot about hope.

I came home, ate chili, put on the movie "The Life Aquatic" and took a nap. Ben went out to the garage to engage further in his epic struggle with our '81 Volkswagen Rabbit. An hour and a half into my nap I hear a big "KABOOM" coming from the garage. I ran out, picturing Ben crushed a bleeding, but the car was still on it's jacks and he wasn't there. Ben was on the computer, upstairs. The kaboom was in the movie.

We have the best sound system ever in our living room.

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