Thursday, March 13, 2008

Tiny bears.

So, I know this is inane, and maybe a waste of words, but I love miniature things. I love them so much that I keep these two gerbils as miniature pets. They stand on their teeny tiny back legs a lot, and when they do, they look like little kangaroos, or sometimes tiny circus bears.

Just wanted to let you know what's on my mind right now.

Also, sometimes, for days at a time, I get songs stuck in my head. Pop songs. Except they're sung by a cat chorus, like the Meow Mix theme.

Yup. Pretty deep.

1 comment:

paul said...

I loved this post... mostly because it is very random.

"Also, sometimes, for days at a time, I get songs stuck in my head. Pop songs. Except they're sung by a cat chorus, like the Meow Mix theme."

Wow... that has got to be very annoying... yet is absolutely hilarious.