I really, really love studying the details of remarkable flowers. For example, Ben's grandpa grows birds of paradise in his garden. These are amazing and colorful. I like looking at them because the details make me contemplate concepts like God knowing the number of hairs on our heads. Also, I like to think about how I would paint various flowers. This is because I love God and I love painting. I also like to hear people who really, really love flowers talk about why they really, really love them. I think this is because I like to hear people talk about what they love.
I do not love flowers. I do not love shrubs or other plants. I love enormous trees--the ones big enough to really climb, or the kind that five people need to hold hands around to encompass them. I like the concept of nature and I love to observe the big picture. I love the forest, enormous stones, and the sea.
I say this to tell you that Ben waisted $20 taking me to the botanical gardens yesterday. I would have been interested in many of the flowers there if someone had lined them all up in a row, but because we had to walk a mile and a half to see just a few varieties, I was too bored to notice any of them. The only flowers I saw were the ones Ben pointed out. I don't mean to sound ungrateful or unappreciative. I tried as hard as I could to force myself to get interested in all the plants, but I failed.
My favorite parts of the botanical gardens were the trolly ride there and back, and the volcanic rocks. My least favorite parts were the mosquito bites and the plants.
So, now we have lots of photos of flowers, which are infinitely more interesting to me that the real flower bushes, and lots of photos of me standing with my arms crossed, bored out of my mind.
Poor Ben. I hope I didn't ruin his day.