Tuesday, October 30, 2007

A pox, a pox on your house!

Lately, my whole body has itched from head to toe. The source of this itch? Paranoia. The source of this paranoia? Scabies and lice at work. 3 different residents were diagnosed with scabies over the past 2 months. Then, today, we discovered that some very long-haired people have lice. I just itch so badly. I've doused myself in pesticides and even had the house sprayed. Exorcism is the only remaining hope.

Most terrifying? One really, really clean (as in, much cleaner than me) person has gotten both. No one is safe.

But seriously, how disheartening. You live at a homeless shelter. You work as hard as you can, but people assume you're a lazy bum because you're going through hard times right now, then, you get diagnosed with a parasite that makes you feel like a leper. Crap. Everyone on staff has been earnestly struggling with what it means to be like Christ in this scenario. I have some nit picking in my future.

On the up-side, I've been painting some table tops recently. Specifically, 2 coffee tables and one end table. I'm pretty much done with the end table, that will belong to my friend, Kevin. This table top is under the genre of "zombie cartoon," meaning awesome. Pictures will follow. His last table top was under the themes "coffee" and "wizard battle." This is pictured below. Have any furniture you want gratified? I thought you might. I will do this for you, too, for only the cost of paint and what your conscience compels you to give me. Kevin's conscience paid me in home-made beer.


julia said...

I have a coffee table that is soooo awesome and could be awesomer with paint and your incredible artistic talent. I bought the table in south Z-ville at a used furniture store and it has cigarette burns on it.

Thanks for stopping by my blog! It's good to hear from you. Ahhh... The good old days. The boyfriend and I were jogging at Black Hand Gorge and I said, "My friend and I climbed down that cliff one time without ropes." He was impressed.

Oh - and the scabies thing. I was working in the clinic over the summer and a girl and her husband came in with a rash. She had it on her hands. He had it on his p#nis. Yes, they had scabies. And yes, the doctor asked the guy, "Can my student look?" and when the guy said "yes", I couldn't hardly get out of it. Totally gross.

j.doc said...

:D i love julia's story about scabies! but i hate scabies & lice.
aaaahhhhhhh scabies! aahhhhhh lice!

anyway. good blogging.