Monday, October 29, 2007

Back in the saddle...

"Welcome back to blogging, Andrea."
"Thanks, me. I missed it."
"Me too."
"Let's get started."

I kept a blog for the longest time here. I gave it up, though, when 2 things happened. (1) My life, unexpectedly began to seem boring to me, leaving me, for the first time ever, with very little to say about it. (2) All of my "LiveJournal" friends moved to "MySpace," which was new, scary, and way too flashy and complicated. In my cave-man-like confusion, I did not follow and retired my blog.

I am excited to blog here though, for 2 reasons. (1) My life, providing housing to the homeless, painting, going to a crazy ass, living out the kingdom of God on earth kind of church, and having most excellent fun with my husband and friends is far from boring. (2) Blogspot is not scary or complicated and already feels "homey," "cozy," "familiar," and other adjectives that make it sound like I've never used a computer.

Mmm...good to be back.

1 comment:

j.doc said...

hi ann's blog. hi ann.

i'm in your good graces. i knew it.